Saturday, March 3, 2012

Evil, terrible, no good, VERY bad, but GOD it's good; Diet Pepsi.

Vice: an immoral or evil practice or habit.

My evil practice is drinking a Diet Pepsi as soon as I wake up. Yes, how terrible you say... how can she drink SODA before she has water? It's easy! I LOVE Diet Pepsi. If there were a way to marry and make love to a drink, Diet Pepsi would be my choice. Our love affair began many moons ago, when I was an innocent, naive child. Mommy drinks it, so will I! If you ever drank the LAST cold Diet Pepsi those were means to be executed by my mother. Once in preschool, I told my teachers that my Mommy drinks and drives. (Of course, I meant a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi from circle K, but that's neither here nor there!) (I love you Mom!)

Any "diet" has a no soda policy. It's bad, full of things that make your organs cry, but damn... it's so good. I'm not sure if its a combination the cold, the bubble, the taste, but I'm addicted.

Since February 29th, 2012, I have woken up, and had a glass of water. No, I haven't given up soda yet, but I've significantly reduced the number I've had throughout the day. I have had about 16 glasses of water day to day, and I find that I don't WANT the soda as bad as I thought. This is a HUGE accomplishment in my universe.

I can fight the urge to have a cold soda. I know that water is the better choice! I know! I know! I know!
(Honestly, I have to keep telling myself that...the addiction is strong!)

On a side note, my mother, who is my best friend and motivator, has lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for years. She looks amazing, and feels amazing. She is my hero.

My goals for today, and every day, is to push the negative out of my life and work hard! Life is worth it!!!

 Thanks for the support bitches!

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