Thursday, April 5, 2012

Make things happen...

 Last night, I set my alarm for 4:50 a.m. so that I could get up and run/ power walk before my daughter woke up for the day. As my alarm rang... I thought, sheesh. I want to go back to bed. I can work out when she's awake and get a little more sleep. Then I thought, no one is going to lose this weight for me, so get your ass out of bed and go. So I did... and I felt great afterwards. 

If you can't motivate yourself, who can? You have to take responsibility for yourself. Get yourself off that couch if you WANT to change your life. I do! I want to be healthy, fit, and live a long happy life. In order to do that I need to stop being unhealthy, unmotivated, and sedentary. I started my new lifestyle change on February 29th, 2010. Since then, I've lost 12 lbs, have exercised almost every day, and am feeling better.

I find that I am very motivated by the show The Biggest Loser. What an amazing thing these people are doing to change their lives. They now have 12 seasons worth on Netflix so while I'm entertaining myself with television, I am also working out. I figure, if they are busting their asses, why should I sit on mine and watch it?

Today is also day 2 of my journey with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Its a butt kicker but its fun and I feel like I've worked hard after. Did I take before pictures and measurements? You BETCHYA! I promise to post these after day 30 to see if it make as large an impact as it says! 

How is everyone else doing? I hope you find something to motivate you, something that makes you happy!!!! More to come!

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